To properly care for the beagle dog breed, you must know that this is a dog that follows its nose and sometimes that can get it into big trouble. You must always have the dog on a leash because it might run away from you because of a scent that it caught.
Beagle - Dog Lover
Once again, this really depends on the environment and individual situation. Mostly, beagles will get along very well with other breeds of dogs.
But however, it will usually be the cat or the other dog that may have trouble with the beagle, particularly around dinner time.
Beagle - Dog Lover
Beagles have a very sensitive and active sense of smell. They also become very excited when they are on a trail. As a result, when there is a strong scent, their nose and palate often go into a spasm which sounds like a cross between a cough and a snort. This can go on for up to a minute and can repeat often during a walk.
There is nothing wrong with your beagle if they do this. It is merely an involuntary reflex in their nose and throat similar to when we humans have a series of sneezes.
To stop the snorting, you can squeeze their nostrils together which causes them to breath through their mouth and usually stops the spasm temporarily. It may recommence though and is something that you just have to put up with. Remember, that when a beagle does the "beagle snort" it's usually because they are having too much fun!!
Beagle - Dog Lover

There is actually about 17 different colour formations that a beagle can have. The most common colour and pattern is what is called the "blanket tricolour". This is where the beagle has a full black area on their back, known as the saddle, which blends into tan around their rear, shoulders and legs, with white feet, belly and chest.
Other common beagle colours found in Australia include tan and white (no black, sometimes known as a blonde); lemon and white - a light colour brown on a predominantly white body; Broken tricolour - patches of black and tan on a predominantly white body; mottles and pieds.
Every beagle, regardless of it colour, must have one mandatory colouring. Every beagle must have a white tip on their tail. The purpose of the white tip is so when they are hunting in tall grass, they will have their tail in the air and their white tip will be seen. This white tip is known as the "flag".
Colouring is very much an individual preference and makes not difference to the beagle's temperament or behaviour.
Beagle - Dog Lover
The beagle breed is a very sound breed. Its size and proportions minimize the structural problems that can occur and that are prevalent in some other breeds.
As with any breed - or any mammal for that matter - you will get a small proportion with conditions such as epilepsy, dwarfism, back ailments or other mammalian conditions. Good diet, regular exercise and care will ensure your beagle will lead a healthy life.
Beagle - Dog Lover
The beagle is one of the breeds where it is easier to look after two. They are a pack dog and need company. Many beagles end up on rescue because their demand is too great. When the family gets another beagle, often the problems are greatly reduced. You need to keep in mind that a beagle is a pack animal and requires an pack environment.
Beagle - Dog Lover
A beagle usually lives to an age of about 15 years. They have been know to live as long as 18 or 20 years, so you will have your beagle for a long time. Keeping your beagle in good condition (not overweight) and providing regular exercise will mean they will be a loving part of your family for many years. One of the amazing things about beagles is that they stay playful for years. The old beagle is as playful as the puppy. They are often called the eternal puppy.
Beagle - Dog Lover
Feeding a beagle can be one of the most challenging tasks about owning a beagle. Their instinct is to eat as much as they can when they can. As a result, they can often become overweight. Never rely on your beagle telling you how much is enough because it's never enough. I have seen a beagle eat its way through half a 5kg bag of dog food and then turn up half an hour later looking for dinner.
A beagle should eat only about 3/4 of a cup of good quality dry food and about 100 grams of meat a day. This can be done in two meals if it is too long between meals for your beagle. Treats during the day are fine and encouraged during training sessions but supplement this out at meal time.
Your breeder will be able to provide your with details on food and quantities for your beagle.
Beagle - Dog Lover
Absolutely yes! There are always lots of issues around having entire dogs, whether they be beagles or any other breeds. Competition and the need to stray or escape will be greater in entire dogs,male or female. Females will have seasons on a regular basis which can be messy and can attract other dogs to your area. Entire male dogs will want to exert their authority more.
There is no clear evidence of entire dogs being healthier or having developmental problems. If you have a male or a female beagle (or any dog for that matter), it is much more convenient to have them desexed. Vets usually desex around the age of 6 months but talk to your Vet to find out the best age for your beagle.
Beagle - Dog Lover