Owner guide - Keep your beagle's weight down

Keep your beagle's weight down. Overweight dogs will have more health problems, including heart trouble and arthritis.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Remember that beagles tend to be stubborn

Remember that beagles tend to be stubborn, which means you must be consistent, patient and positive while training them. Praise works better than punishment.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Beagles are very people-oriented and like to be around you

Make sure you or someone in your home is willing to spend 30 to 60 minutes a day playing with and exercising your dog. Beagles are very people-oriented and like to be around you.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Bathe the beagle infrequently

Bathe the beagle infrequently. A beagle doesn't require special grooming and can be washed at home.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Wipe out your beagle's ears

Wipe out your beagle's ears whenever you brush him to prevent odors and infections.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Brush your beagle several times a week

Brush your beagle several times a week. This breed sheds moderately. Use a hound glove to keep your dog's coat shiny, and a fine-tooth flea comb to remove dirt and excess hair.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Feed your beagle high-quality dry dog food

Feed your beagle high-quality dry dog food, not "people food" like table scraps. If you use treats as rewards while training, break each treat into three or four small pieces and give one piece at a time. Beagles love to eat and are good beggars.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Vaccinating your beagle

Follow your veterinarian's recommendations for vaccinating your beagle when you first get him, then get booster vaccinations for him as needed. Consult your veterinarian about flea and tick control products, heartworm medications and worming your dog.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Beagles are very friendly to everyone and make lots of friendly easily.

The beagle dog breed is a hound which means they use their noses a lot to catch the scent and help hunters get to their pray. They are typically three colors, white, tan and black. They are also very friendly to everyone and make lots of friendly easily.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Choose dog food that helps the dog maintain healthy weight

Choose dog food that helps the dog maintain healthy weight. The beagle dog breed is prone to weight gain and loves treats. You should monitor how much your beagle is eating and provide sufficient exercises to keep it in the best shape possible.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - Beagle can escape from your yard

One of the biggest problems with the beagle dog breed is that it can escape from your yard. It is a scent hound and is easily distracted by smell. If this dog is left in your yard for a while unsupervised, it might catch a scent somewhere and run away from you. Because of its nose, it can get into some serious trouble. This breed is popular for those that conduct experiment on dogs. Make sure you monitor your beagle’s play in the backyard preferably have it on the leash at all times.

Beagle - Dog Lover

Owner guide - The beagle’s coat is very easy to groom

The beagle’s coat is very easy to groom so you should have no problems there. As a responsible owner, you will have to keep an eye on the beagle’s nails because it might grow long and dig into his flesh. Only bath the dog when necessary.

Beagle - Dog Lover